International Race Teams
Racing in a foreign country can be a challenge in itself. It's also a great part of the adventure.
We are trying to make Expedition Canada an international competitor-friendly race. No support crews are required and logistics are organized.
Once you arrive, you will have everything you need from stores, and bike shops within walking or cycling distance. You can also rent a car for all your post-race adventures exploring this beautiful part of the world.
Each racer will receive free airport shuttles to and from (TBD) airport. All booking information can be found here
To make the most of your trip we have put together a local guide to The Okanagan that includes tours, events, accommodation, and most importantly, wine tasting. With plenty to visit and do while you're in the area, you will definitely want to extend your stay. Find out more here
Race HQ will have a location to store non-racing equipment while you are out on the course. This equipment will be available to you at the finish line.
We will also be facilitating the purchase of bear spray for teams who need to purchase them.
The official language of the race is English. Teams are encouraged to ensure at least one member is fluent in basic English. If you need assistance with an interpreter please let the organizers know so arrangements can be made.
If you need any other assistance, advice, etc please don’t hesitate to contact our race team here